Tuesday 9 September 2014

September 9 - "India for the King!"

Offers of service from the Indian Princes to the Viceroy of India is read by the Under Secretary of State for India in the House of Commons. You can read this statement in full.

An announcement is made that 70,000 Indian troops will be sent to Europe.

In the light of this day's announcements on India, Punch publishes a timely cartoon entitled "India for the King!"

The King's message to the Dominions is issued. You can see more here.

The published version issued in Australia is shown on the left. Use the link above to see a larger version of this document.

The 26th Brigade RFA marches to La Nouette Fme, about 4 miles north of Baulchery.

The Battle of the Marne continues. This map shows the positions on this day:

The Battle of the Marne: positions on 9 September 1914   

Punch publishes another Bernard Partridge cartoon reminding readers of German atrocities and abuse of the Geneva Convention. It has the title "God (and the women) our shield!" - see below.

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