Tuesday 16 September 2014

September 16

In the Cameroons, HMS Dwarf is rammed by the German merchant ship Nachtigal, which is wrecked. The Captain of HMS Dwarf claims the wreck as his prize bounty. You can read a newspaper account of this incident here. (Note the newspaper give the wrong date for the action as 16 December 1914). You can also read the original entry in the ship's log here.

HMS Dwarf

At 4.30am, 118 battery of the 26th Brigade RFA remains in the same position but entrenched. 117 also entrenched near Les Creutes. The war diary records, "Engaged with enemy's artillery all day".

Punch publishes another Bernard Partridge cartoon as a tribute to the Russian victory in Galicia (see 11 September). Here Russia is depicted as trampling over a defeated Austria-Hungary. 

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