Monday 1 September 2014

September 1 - Action at Nery

L Battery in action at Nery
A skirmish takes place at Nery between the British Army and the German Army, part of the Great Retreat. Shortly after dawn, a British cavalry brigade was preparing to leave its overnight bivouac and was attacked by a German cavalry division of about twice their strength. The British artillery was mostly put out of action very quickly, but a single gun of L Battery, Royal Horse Artillery successfully kept up a steady fire for two and a half hours against a full battery of German artillery. British reinforcements arrived at 8am, They counter-attacked, forcing the Germans to retreat. Three men of L Battery were awarded the Victoria Cross for their part in the battle.

The 26th Brigade, RFA is also still retreating. At 1.30pm, "116 & 117 in action half a mile south of Villers-Cotterets with Black Watch covering retirement of 1st Brigade from the town. No engagement." Although not mentioned in the War Diary, the BEF was fighting another rearguard action here. The 4th (Guards) Brigade, covering the withdrawal of the 2nd Division, came into contact with the leading units of the German III Corps on the edge of woodland near the town. The Guards Brigade lost more than 300 men in the encounter, but were able to break away and continue the withdrawal.

Later, the Brigade bivouacks 1 mile south of La Ferte-Milon.

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