Monday 8 September 2014

September 8 - Loss of the "Oceanic"

RMS Oceanic runs aground off the island of Foula and is wrecked. No lives are lost. She is the first Allied passenger ship to be lost in the war, albeit due to a navigational error.

RMS Oceanic

Sir John French's first official dispatch on the progress of the war is published in the London Gazette. You can read his dispatch in full here.

Loyd George
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, David Lloyd George, refers to "silver bullets". In his speech he said, "I think cash is going to count much more than we possibly imagine at the present moment. ... That is where our resources will come in, not merely of men but but of cash. We have won with the silver bullets before. We financed Europe in the greatest war we ever fought, and that is what won."

You can read this speech in full by following this link.

The 26th Brigade RFA forms an advanced guard with the 1st Brigade. They move to Le Frenois, near Choisy. At 11am, 116 and 118 are in action south of Bellot. Their march continued to bivouack north of Hondevilliers. At 5pm, 116 Battery moved out of bivouack and shells a German column moving through Nogent.

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