Tuesday 4 November 2014

November 4

The Russian advance into Turkish territory in the Caucasus reaches Anzap, allowing the Russians to advance into Armenia within days.

The Russian invasion of the Ottoman Empire

The SMS Yorck, returning to port following the bombardment of Great Yarmouth (see 3 November),  accidentally steams into a German defensive minefield in heavy fog. The ship sinks quickly with heavy loss of life.

Punch publishes "The Excursionist", depicting Kaiser Wilhelm as a "tripper", desperate to go somewhere and anywhere. Note how his suitcase has labels identifying his conquests so far, and the exact location of the ticket office has been censored. Although Punch suggests all the Kaiser's preferred destinations would not fall ("Line blocked"), Warsaw was occupied by the Germans in due course.

TRIPPER WILHELM "First Class to Paris"
CLERK "Line blocked"
WILHELM "Then make it Warsaw"
CLERK "Line blocked"
WILHELM "Well, what about Calais?"
CLERK "Line blocked"
WILHELM "Hang it! I must go somewhere! I promised my people I would"

In Belgium, the 26th Brigade RFA, is ordered to economise on ammunition, and its war diary records "very little fired all day."

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