Tuesday 11 November 2014

November 11 - 100th day of the war

The war enters its 100th day with no sign of an early victory or of hostilities ceasing before Christmas.

In the ongoing Battle of Ypres, a further German attack is repulsed at the Battle of Nonneboschen.

HMS Niger is torpedoed by the German submarine U12 off Deal.

On the Eastern Front, the Battle of Lodz begins in Poland between the German Ninth Army and the Russian First, Second, and Fifth Armies, in appalling winter conditions.

King George V opens Parliament. His speech included the direction that, "You will be asked to make due financial provision for the effective conduct of the War."

Punch's first cartoon regarding Turkey's role in the war is published today.

THE KAISER: "Leave everything to me. All you've got to do is to explode."
TURKEY: "Yes, I quite see that. But where shall I be when it's all over?"

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