Wednesday 31 December 2014

December 31

The end of 1914 shows that the war would not be "over by Christmas". All nations at war have suffered appalling casualties on a scale never seen before. The Allies have suffered over one million casualties on the Western Front, whilst Germany has causalities of around 700,000. For Great Britain, whose Army now numbers over 1,685,000 personnel, BEF casualties total over 95,600 men comprising 18,174 killed, 50,969 wounded, 26,511 missing or captured. Casualties in the Royal Navy total over 6,100 killed, wounded, missing and captured. During the latter part of 1914, over 120,000 rifles have been supplied to the Army along with 274 machine guns and over 526,000 shells.

In France, battery 116 of the 26th Brigade RFA is moved to a new position and is in reserve.

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