Monday 27 October 2014

October 27 - The battleship that didn't sink

HMS Audacious
HMS Audacious sinks after hitting a mine during gunnery exercises off Tory Island. The mine had been laid by the German auxiliary minelayer, Berlin. The Audacious struck the mine at 8.45am, but did not sink until 8.45pm. Assistance was given by the White Star liner the Olympic, whose passengers witnessed the disaster. Admiral Jellicoe urged the Admiralty not to announce the news publicly. The Cabinet agreed and the incident was not officially reported until 14 November 1918 by an announcement in The Times.

Prince Maurice
Prince Maurice of Battenberg is killed in action at Zonnebeke, aged 23 years. He is buried in Ypres Town Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery

Prince Maurice is the youngest son of Prince Henry of Battenberg (1858-1896) and Princess Beatrice (1857-1944), the youngest child of Queen Victoria.

Batteries of the 26th Brigade RFA are in action during the day near the Menin-Ypres road, near Becelaere, Terhand and Westhoer.

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