Saturday 5 July 2014

July 5 - The start of the "July Crisis"

Bethmann-Hollweg, German Chancellor
In early July, following the assassination of the Archduke, the Austro-Hungarians sent Count Hyos, Count Berchtold's principal aide at the Foreign Ministry, to find out what the Germans would do after Sarajevo. Count Hyos discussed this with the Austro-Hungarian Ambassador in Berlin, Count Szogyeny. On 5 July, Count Szogyeny was given a special audience with Kaiser Wilhelm II in the New Palace at Potsdam.

During the course of this audience, the Kaiser gave the assurances sought: that Austro-Hungary could count on Germany's support if Russia were to intervene in support of Serbia. That evening Szogeyeny cabled Count Berchtold that he had received "full German backing" in any action that Vienna decided to take, even if "serious European complications" resulted, requesting only that it would be done speedily.

The Kaiser's pledge was confirmed the following day by the German Chancellor, Bethmann-Hollweg and Arthur Zimmermann, the Under Secretary of State. The "July Crisis" had started.

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