Sunday 27 July 2014

July 27 - Further steps

General Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien
On the basis of Serbia's reply to the ultimatum, Czar Nicholas proposes the opening of negotiations with Austria-Hungary. This proposal is rejected by Vienna.

On the same day, Sir Edward Grey tried to convene a conference between Britain, Germany, France and Italy "for the purpose of discovering an issue which would prevent complications". The proposal was vetoed by Germany on the grounds that such a conference was not "practicable".

The British War Office instructs General Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien to guard vulnerable points in southern Britain.

John Burns, the President of the Board of Trade, recorded in his diary, "Why four great powers should fight over Serbia no fellow can understand."

John Burns
He felt war must be averted by "all the means in our power", and that it was his especial duty to "dissociate myself and the principles I hold, and the trusteeship for the working classes which I carry" from such as crime as any declaration of war will be.

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