Tuesday 29 July 2014

Further steps: 29 July

Czar Nicholas II
On this day the Russians began a partial mobilisation of their army; nevertheless even at this stage the Czar appealed to the Kaiser to, "try and avoid such a calamity as a European war". The Kaiser also contacted the Czar stating, "I am exerting my utmost influence to induce the Austrians ... to arrive at a satisfactory understanding with you."

Encouraged by this, the Czar attempted to cancel the partial mobilisation, but his Foreign Minister, Sergius Sazonoff, and the Chief of the Russian General Staff, persuaded him that this was not possible.

The Austrians bombarded Belgrade by monitors

Punch publishes an interesting cartoon on the increasing tension in Europe. Drawn by Leonard Raven-Hill, it shows Austria-Hungary (note the eagle is two-headed) bemused by plucky Serbia's attitude and suspects it is due to Russian support (represented by the bear hiding behind the rock).

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