Tuesday 5 August 2014

August 5

The forts around Liege
There was fierce fighting in Liege.

Lord Kitchener
Lord Kitchener was appointed War Minister.

Punch publishes the cartoon "Mutual Service" by Bernard Partridge. This reminded readers of recent unease in Ireland (such as the Curragh Incident in March 1914, where officers stationed at the Curragh, opted for dismissal rather than "coerce" the Ulster Volunteers to accept Irish Home Rule as proposed by the Government of Ireland Act (1914). The ongoing crisis was only averted by the outbreak of war). Here, Britannia asks Peace to do her best in Ireland.

The Konigen Luise, a German mine-layer, is sunk off Harwich by HMS Lance. She was responsible for firing the first British shot of the war. The 4 inch gun that fired these shots now takes pride of place at the entrance of a new exhibition area at the Portsmouth Historic Dockyard. This is due to open in Spring 2014 as part of the national centenary celebrations of the First World War.

HMS Lance, which fired the first British shots in World War 1

In Surrey, the outbreak of war is reported on the front page of the Surrey Advertiser:

The ‘4 inch’ gun from the destroyer HMS Lance takes pride of place at the soon to be completed entrance to the new exhibition which is due to open in spring 2014 as part of the national centenary commemorations for WW1. - See more at: http://www.historicdockyard.co.uk/news/news500.php#sthash.q1OEYSWo.dpuf
The ‘4 inch’ gun from the destroyer HMS Lance takes pride of place at the soon to be completed entrance to the new exhibition which is due to open in spring 2014 as part of the national centenary commemorations for WW1. - See more at: http://www.historicdockyard.co.uk/news/news500.php#sthash.q1OEYSWo.dpuf

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