Sunday 24 August 2014

August 24 - The Retreat from Mons

Following the action at Mons, the 5th French Army withdraws, and the BEF had little choice but to do the same. The retreat of the BEF begins II Corps at at 4am. The initial objective is the line from La Longueville to La Boiseserrette. This is the first stage in what becomes known as the "Great Retreat", which lasts nearly two weeks, and takes the Allies back to the Marne.

Edward Croft, with the RFA located at Grand-Reng, is in action half a mile south-east of Villers-Sire-Nicole, although the Brigade War Diary adds, "no engagement". At 6.30pm the Brigade marches to La Longueville.

The retreat from Mons

Namur falls to the Germans.

Allied forces abandon the line on the River Sambre.

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